Monday, May 9, 2011

First Year of College...

WAS AMAZINGGGG! yes so many amazing things happened. First off i had my Review Board (art final) and got all my credits. I also got into the Bacholers of Fine Arts Program at Tufts University! This year i got all my English classes done with and passes with soild B's and A's (mind you some of these classes had graduate students in them)! I am just so proud of myself for doing so well and making sure i have a solid future ahead of me. I know photography can only do so much so getting a Higher degree will give me so many more options in life and when times come to move ill have a steady job and will not need worry about getting a better job!

Future Plans: I really want to start a photography foundation that provides families with free to almost no cost photos! I feel it is important to cherish every moment in life and sometimes people just cant afford to get pro photos done or even afford a camera. With my further schooling i hope to learn a great new way to work with solid pay to have enough to put away to start this project and even be able to do it all free some day so i can help as many families as possible!

To My Fans and Supporters: You guys are amazing! Thank you to everyone who has helped me get this far and those who just support me! The more i get the more i give! I do not take anything for granted so keep watching and i promise to always give back!

Remember: Always Keep Being Creative! Get Inspired! and Make Some Art!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Weekend in NYC (MU #1)

So I am on the road right now to NYC where I am to help watch a few kids on a trip. Although this trip won't be for photography it will be great to see the city again for future jobs!

Tommorow is the most exciting day with a trip to a brodway show! Haven't seen a musical since I was 14!

That's all for now!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Video Tutorial #1 - Intense Eyes

Below is a video of how i edit the eyes in a photo to make them have an almost unreal pop to them. Enjoy.

NOTE: this effect will only work with images that are decently lit and at a low ISO (800 max)

Tips: When dodging the eyes make sure you use a low opacity (55%) and make the brush small enough that you are just dodging the ring of color not the whole eye! After Burn the dark areas to make the untouched area balanced with the dodged areas.

Image Credit : Ryuu Lavitz

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.
Link to the full sized video.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays (M)

Hello everyone! I am currently enjoying my winter break and as it is christmas eve I am spending it with friends and family!
Hope everyone has happy holidays and a safe new year!

P.s the "(m)" means its an informal mobile post.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mobile Update (Thanksgiving Edition)

Hey guys! If you saw my new news section on my website you know what I am about to say! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! :) (that was it)

My thanksgiving was full of fun and lots of food! My school had a thanksgiving lunch early so I got double the yummies!

Hope to hear more from fans and followers! I want to put up a FAQ on my website but that requires some more questions! Ask away on any of my pages or I might even have it right on my website for anyone to ask.

That's all for now!

Ps. I'm on the train suprise suprise! :P

Friday, November 19, 2010

Mobile Update (6)

Its been a while! I want to start off by saying that I had a wonderful 20th birthday! I feel old! Can you believe that 20?! How time can fly!

I have a lot to catch you guys up on! Ill do that in a day or so after I shoot with a local fashion artist! I have a lot of amazing shoots comming up you guys shouldn't miss!


Ps. I am always in need of an assistant so feel free to leave me a comment on my facebook page or email me if you want to help out! Minimal experience needed!

Pps. Thanks for the continuous support!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mobile Update (5)

Its been a few days since I updated and I was going to about three time but never happened. But now I am and I have a few things to say.

One I got an external flash finally and am slowlyb learing how to use it.

Two I have working more with bulb mode on my camera. So along with that I have a funny story. As I was shooting yesterday, I was shooting from a parking garage looking down on a round about and about 10 mins into shooting someone stopped there and asked me what I was doing. I responded I was just taking pictures in which they started asking me if I had clearnce to do so. It was a public garage so I told them I was a student, which I am and they were apologizing and tried to tell me other nice places to shoot. It was random...haha
