Hey everyone!
Sorry i havent updated in a while but ive been busy dealing with college and a copyright issue.
If you dont know already, So for about 2 years i have been putting some of my photography on stock photo websites. All the sites are free and the photos can only be used for non profit publications and that full credit is given back to the photographer after contact and permission is given.
To my surprise i found my photo on the cover of the DVD "Staunton Hill" a low buget but still retail worthy film. I looked up the film to see it was being sold both online and in stores. To check this i went to Best Buy and there it was on the shelf's.
At first i thought maybe the company had just forgotten to notify me they were using it and so i contacted them and they tried to play it off as if they had hired me to take it. I asked them again how they got my photo and that i should be compensated for the misuse of my photo. They said my claim had been taken to there legal department but i have yet to know how they got my photo in the first place.
Thank you to everyone who gave me advice. I am glad to inform you that new details of this publication has given me even more support to my case and my family has decided to show any support they can around this issue.
Prior to my knowledge the DVD seemed to only be sold online and in stores locally , i have now found not only has it been sold locally but nationally and worldwide. Along with this they have had online promotions and posters in film festivals using my image as there main "face" of the media shown. The official website also uses my image, and the DVD Main Menu Screen also contains my image.