Friday, October 29, 2010

Mobile Update (4)

Good morning! I hope you guys are doing good and have been looking forward to my work because I have a shoot coming up with a local musician for her upcoming CD! I won't spoil it for you guys but the concept is a good one! Hope you had a good week!

Ps. I always seem to update this on the train...hmmmm.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mobile Update (3)

Hey everyone! As I said last update I was shooting new images and that went great! I shot with an amazing artist and model Ryuu. Long story short that I will talk about more in my next formal post is that Ryuu helped me step out of my comfort zone a lot within photography. So I want to give her a huge shout out and thank you for helping me expand my limits! I look forward to working with her more in the future!
That's all for now!

Monday, October 18, 2010

My Style: Tasteful Over Exposure

Correct exposure is just as important to a photo as anything else. Exposer just like any other setting can be tweaked and modified to fit a photos need. Here is where over exposure done right can be a quick fix and save time in post processing.

While reading an article in some fashion magazine there was a small side article about the photographer. The photographer was talking about how sometimes overexposing the image can get rid of some imperfections without having to worry later about editing as much out. Here was what stumped me, how do i know how much to over expose without losing details? Truly its just trial and error and up to the photographer.

Never be scared to play with things that others might see as destructive to the "perfect" image.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Moblie Update (2)

Hey eveyone! I hope you guys checked out my facebook fan page and enjoyed my video tour of my studio! If you haven't checked that out yet its a treat so check it out!

I have been really busy with school so right now a lot of my updates will be from my phone when I get the chance.

Okay so in short here's what's coming up next. I plan to do some new photo this week before the weather becomes too cold, not that would stop me!

I will try to make some new posts soon but till then hope yoy understand and keep up with me both on facebook and here!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mobile Update (1)

Hey guys! I know I haven't put anything exciting up in a while so maybe this will relive your anticipaion until I can have time to write a full blog.
I am updating from school right now before I head to class and as u can now see what I am so very busy with.

For now I have many great new projects I am working on but I will share more in my upcoming blogs! Keeps coming back fr new content! Its gona be worth it!
