Monday, January 25, 2010

Tips: Simple Shooting Fixes

When it comes to photography alot of people think you just take a photo and there you go. Unless you are just taking snapshots that is a fine mindset--but for those who want more than just that simple photo here are a few things to help guide you.

Location: notice where you are taking the photo. Make sure there is not too much behind the subject that could distract from the subject. A common mistake is not checking if there are any strange things around the subject.
Weather: the best day to take photos outside would be on a cloudy day. Why? With the sun not as intense-- the clouds can act as a natural diffuser and make the light softer.
Light: notice the light around you. Having light right on the subject can sometimes be a bad thing. Direct light can washout a person or cause harsh shadows. Go into a shady area, this will help keep the light even. Sometimes you can use your flash to add some light as well if you feel there is not enough.

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