Monday, November 1, 2010

Shoot with Ryuu

Hey guys! So as i promised I am writing about my shoot a few weeks ago with Ryuu. Out of all my years working with photography you always have something that really helps you move to a whole new level you might not have gotten to without them. Truly in the whole world of photography Claudia and Mark were the first to get me moving but Ryuu was incredible on another level. Not many models are just as technical behind the camera as well. Ryuu had a natural interest from both sides of the camera similar to me and a bunch of creativity. This really brought out the most in this shoot.

First off i have to say right off the bat, i was nervous. Yes I admit it, i really do get nervous when i work with something outside my limits. I knew going into this shoot i had to shoot differently than i normally do. There was no product to be sold or money being made from this shoot it was purely artistic growth involved. I was seeing how far i could push my knowledge in a new direction. Looking at the photos it might seem like not much was changed, but the change was my mind set. I chose to go about shooting with Ryuu a very different way then normal. I had her chose the theme, outfit, hair, makeup and even the location and way she wanted to be shot. Normally every detail is up to the artistic director or myself, but not this time. It was very hard having so little control even though I was still the one in control of the final image.

This shoot was full of challenge as i said before, mainly the location. I am not a fan of shooting under heavy tree cover or woods like areas. I found my self stopping and checking the white balance alot. In the end i chose to process them in black and white so i did not stress myself over it. The weather did not help much at all. It was wet and rainy as well as bipolar with the sun showing itself here and there. I have to say every little complication just made me think that much more about my shooting and how i go about in different situations.

That is all i have the ability to type right now! Check out some of the images below!

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