Thursday, August 26, 2010

Big Thank You

This whole summer has been a non-stop journey around the world. I started my summer in LA where i worked with Claudia who got me in contact with Mark who gave me a great welcome and invitation to Chicago that i gladly took.

So first things first I need to write up a huge thank you to both Claudia and Mark for giving me a huge opportunity and time in there schedule to help me!

Claudia, i know how much you value your work and could have easily just said thanks for the photos but you did a little extra and put in a good word for me and that i never expected. I guess sometimes i dont give myself enough credit but you know how much I look up to you and to have you on my team, so to say , means the world! Thanks for helping me get the courage to get out to your side of the world and get in the game!

Mark, I cant say I idolize you like i do Claudia but i can say i am greatly inspired by you. While working with you you opened my eyes to many new ways to look into shooting a photo. You taught me how to connect with the subject and keep my eyes off the back of my camera. You have a great foundation behind your work and you apply it so well. As for your photography, after watching you work creating the image seeing the outcome made me notice how sometimes simple is better. I found that I dont need to go over the top to get a striking image.

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