The main focus of this is getting that flawless look and even light.
I originally found this video tutorial online here and modified it to my own needs. I will be showing you my way but you can always go watch the video if its hard to understand.
First off open you photo in photoshop.
Next you are going to duplicate the background layer 3 times.

Select the "background copy" layer and make it black and white (desaturate)
(image > adjustments > desaturate)

Select "background layer copy 2" this will be the "blur" layer.
(filter > blur > surface blur )
for this dont worry about over doing it just make sure that it is blurred enough to have an even look. this will be cleaned up later.

With your "blur" layer on go to your channel window and hold the "command" key (for mac) and click on the RGB channel. (you should see an area that is selected)

Next go back to your layer window and with your "blur" layer selected add a layer mask. (the button that looks like a square with a circle inside it)

You will want to hide the "b/w" layer now and with the layer mask on the "blur" layer use the brush tool to add or remove any blur you like.
Once it is to your satisfaction flatten the layers and add any dodging or buring or any other tweaks you may like.
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