Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Why do you shoot RAW?"

While at the studio with Mark he asked me a question, "Why do you shoot RAW?" Seriously at first I couldnt think up an answer, then I just blurted something out. That night, because I am that much of a loser (haha) I asked myself that question again. I really didnt know why i shot RAW, i knew there was a reason i just couldnt put it into words. So I sat there reflecting on all the times I shot raw over JPEG or JEPG over RAW.

My conclusion? Simply, RAW is my safety net.

THis is what i mean. When I first got a DSLR I had no clue why to shoot in RAW until that fateful day when i was shooting JPEG and i forgot to change the white balance. Yes, all my beautiful landscapes where blue. I for some reason or another googled "RAW" format and there was my answer.
Shooting RAW has helped me catch my mistakes,fix them, learn from them, and hopefully not do it again.

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