Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays (M)

Hello everyone! I am currently enjoying my winter break and as it is christmas eve I am spending it with friends and family!
Hope everyone has happy holidays and a safe new year!

P.s the "(m)" means its an informal mobile post.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mobile Update (Thanksgiving Edition)

Hey guys! If you saw my new news section on my website you know what I am about to say! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! :) (that was it)

My thanksgiving was full of fun and lots of food! My school had a thanksgiving lunch early so I got double the yummies!

Hope to hear more from fans and followers! I want to put up a FAQ on my website but that requires some more questions! Ask away on any of my pages or I might even have it right on my website for anyone to ask.

That's all for now!

Ps. I'm on the train suprise suprise! :P

Friday, November 19, 2010

Mobile Update (6)

Its been a while! I want to start off by saying that I had a wonderful 20th birthday! I feel old! Can you believe that 20?! How time can fly!

I have a lot to catch you guys up on! Ill do that in a day or so after I shoot with a local fashion artist! I have a lot of amazing shoots comming up you guys shouldn't miss!


Ps. I am always in need of an assistant so feel free to leave me a comment on my facebook page or email me if you want to help out! Minimal experience needed!

Pps. Thanks for the continuous support!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mobile Update (5)

Its been a few days since I updated and I was going to about three time but never happened. But now I am and I have a few things to say.

One I got an external flash finally and am slowlyb learing how to use it.

Two I have working more with bulb mode on my camera. So along with that I have a funny story. As I was shooting yesterday, I was shooting from a parking garage looking down on a round about and about 10 mins into shooting someone stopped there and asked me what I was doing. I responded I was just taking pictures in which they started asking me if I had clearnce to do so. It was a public garage so I told them I was a student, which I am and they were apologizing and tried to tell me other nice places to shoot. It was random...haha


Monday, November 1, 2010

Shoot with Ryuu

Hey guys! So as i promised I am writing about my shoot a few weeks ago with Ryuu. Out of all my years working with photography you always have something that really helps you move to a whole new level you might not have gotten to without them. Truly in the whole world of photography Claudia and Mark were the first to get me moving but Ryuu was incredible on another level. Not many models are just as technical behind the camera as well. Ryuu had a natural interest from both sides of the camera similar to me and a bunch of creativity. This really brought out the most in this shoot.

First off i have to say right off the bat, i was nervous. Yes I admit it, i really do get nervous when i work with something outside my limits. I knew going into this shoot i had to shoot differently than i normally do. There was no product to be sold or money being made from this shoot it was purely artistic growth involved. I was seeing how far i could push my knowledge in a new direction. Looking at the photos it might seem like not much was changed, but the change was my mind set. I chose to go about shooting with Ryuu a very different way then normal. I had her chose the theme, outfit, hair, makeup and even the location and way she wanted to be shot. Normally every detail is up to the artistic director or myself, but not this time. It was very hard having so little control even though I was still the one in control of the final image.

This shoot was full of challenge as i said before, mainly the location. I am not a fan of shooting under heavy tree cover or woods like areas. I found my self stopping and checking the white balance alot. In the end i chose to process them in black and white so i did not stress myself over it. The weather did not help much at all. It was wet and rainy as well as bipolar with the sun showing itself here and there. I have to say every little complication just made me think that much more about my shooting and how i go about in different situations.

That is all i have the ability to type right now! Check out some of the images below!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Mobile Update (4)

Good morning! I hope you guys are doing good and have been looking forward to my work because I have a shoot coming up with a local musician for her upcoming CD! I won't spoil it for you guys but the concept is a good one! Hope you had a good week!

Ps. I always seem to update this on the train...hmmmm.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mobile Update (3)

Hey everyone! As I said last update I was shooting new images and that went great! I shot with an amazing artist and model Ryuu. Long story short that I will talk about more in my next formal post is that Ryuu helped me step out of my comfort zone a lot within photography. So I want to give her a huge shout out and thank you for helping me expand my limits! I look forward to working with her more in the future!
That's all for now!

Monday, October 18, 2010

My Style: Tasteful Over Exposure

Correct exposure is just as important to a photo as anything else. Exposer just like any other setting can be tweaked and modified to fit a photos need. Here is where over exposure done right can be a quick fix and save time in post processing.

While reading an article in some fashion magazine there was a small side article about the photographer. The photographer was talking about how sometimes overexposing the image can get rid of some imperfections without having to worry later about editing as much out. Here was what stumped me, how do i know how much to over expose without losing details? Truly its just trial and error and up to the photographer.

Never be scared to play with things that others might see as destructive to the "perfect" image.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Moblie Update (2)

Hey eveyone! I hope you guys checked out my facebook fan page and enjoyed my video tour of my studio! If you haven't checked that out yet its a treat so check it out!

I have been really busy with school so right now a lot of my updates will be from my phone when I get the chance.

Okay so in short here's what's coming up next. I plan to do some new photo this week before the weather becomes too cold, not that would stop me!

I will try to make some new posts soon but till then hope yoy understand and keep up with me both on facebook and here!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mobile Update (1)

Hey guys! I know I haven't put anything exciting up in a while so maybe this will relive your anticipaion until I can have time to write a full blog.
I am updating from school right now before I head to class and as u can now see what I am so very busy with.

For now I have many great new projects I am working on but I will share more in my upcoming blogs! Keeps coming back fr new content! Its gona be worth it!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Last Days in London!

The last few days in London were by far the most amazing time i have ever had. There was art everywhere and inspiration was at every corner. I spent a good amount of the trip visiting museums and walking the city.
I spent one day at the TATE modern and that was my biggest inspiration. I went through a photo exhibit of photographic work. One room had a bunch of photos of the NYC subway. I feel dumb i dont have the artist names in front of me but the work was so full of emotion and depth. It focused more on the lower end of life in NYC. Another artist made almost floor to ceiling prints of industrial sites where he removed all the windows and doors of the main building and it was so striking and freaky at the same time.
The city had so much architecture, and a second hobby of mine is sketching buildings. There was such a range from high arches in gothic churches to protruding glass windows of new modern high rises. I loved seeing the old cobblestone walkways and brightly colored window boxes.

On a personal note i must tell you about my wonderful adventure back to the States. Getting to the airport I took the "Tube" or train and i really think it was super easy and well set up. We got there early so i had time to get myself coffee and chill listening to music. Getting back to the states went smoothly and i was able to get a window seat this time. On the way to London i was stuck in the middle of the plane. A few hours after takeoff while serving the lunch meal i looked out my window and saw a plane flying under ours with what looked like black smoke behind it. I at first thought i was seeing things and then I looked again and no it was dark grey shooting out from under the wings. Now i do know a thing or two about aircrafts so i dint really get alarmed but i had to ask the stewardess about it. Ends up it was just the plane was flying on the shadow side of the sun so we were seeing the normal jetstream you normally dont see. Learned a new thing!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Big Thank You

This whole summer has been a non-stop journey around the world. I started my summer in LA where i worked with Claudia who got me in contact with Mark who gave me a great welcome and invitation to Chicago that i gladly took.

So first things first I need to write up a huge thank you to both Claudia and Mark for giving me a huge opportunity and time in there schedule to help me!

Claudia, i know how much you value your work and could have easily just said thanks for the photos but you did a little extra and put in a good word for me and that i never expected. I guess sometimes i dont give myself enough credit but you know how much I look up to you and to have you on my team, so to say , means the world! Thanks for helping me get the courage to get out to your side of the world and get in the game!

Mark, I cant say I idolize you like i do Claudia but i can say i am greatly inspired by you. While working with you you opened my eyes to many new ways to look into shooting a photo. You taught me how to connect with the subject and keep my eyes off the back of my camera. You have a great foundation behind your work and you apply it so well. As for your photography, after watching you work creating the image seeing the outcome made me notice how sometimes simple is better. I found that I dont need to go over the top to get a striking image.

London - Day 1

Today was the actual full first day since we landed in London yesterday. The days right now seem to all blend to one due to the time change. It feels as if I went through a time warp and never made it to -- well even know im still not sure. I just know from the time we left from the USA to the time we landed in London seemed like a never ending (2) days. Take off in the middle of darkness (10pm) and 3 hrs in the air the sun is blinding you.

The first day was fully chaotic because I totally forgot about the different power outlets in England, so a good chunk of the day was trying to fins a store that sold a UK version of my camera power charger cable. By the time everything was set and ready it started raining. I am so unhappy because the architecture and details in the city are so amazing but the weather is causing it to be so hard to catch any of its amazing beauty. I went to visit Kensington Palace and Gardens but the weather just wouldn't hold out long enough! It was such an amazing place, nothing overly fancy but the garden was beautiful. Just have to hope it clears up enough for me to get some photos.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Why do you shoot RAW?"

While at the studio with Mark he asked me a question, "Why do you shoot RAW?" Seriously at first I couldnt think up an answer, then I just blurted something out. That night, because I am that much of a loser (haha) I asked myself that question again. I really didnt know why i shot RAW, i knew there was a reason i just couldnt put it into words. So I sat there reflecting on all the times I shot raw over JPEG or JEPG over RAW.

My conclusion? Simply, RAW is my safety net.

THis is what i mean. When I first got a DSLR I had no clue why to shoot in RAW until that fateful day when i was shooting JPEG and i forgot to change the white balance. Yes, all my beautiful landscapes where blue. I for some reason or another googled "RAW" format and there was my answer.
Shooting RAW has helped me catch my mistakes,fix them, learn from them, and hopefully not do it again.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Style: Fashion Post Processing

Before I tell you how its done you have to start with a decent photo. This technique works best on clear focused and properly exposed photos. If you shoot RAW make sure you do any raw editing first (I tweak sharpness and exposure in ViewNX then convert them to a JPEG).

The main focus of this is getting that flawless look and even light.
I originally found this video tutorial online here and modified it to my own needs. I will be showing you my way but you can always go watch the video if its hard to understand.

First off open you photo in photoshop.

Next you are going to duplicate the background layer 3 times.

Select the "background copy" layer and make it black and white (desaturate)

(image > adjustments > desaturate)

Select "background layer copy 2" this will be the "blur" layer.

(filter > blur > surface blur )

for this dont worry about over doing it just make sure that it is blurred enough to have an even look. this will be cleaned up later.

With your "blur" layer on go to your channel window and hold the "command" key (for mac) and click on the RGB channel. (you should see an area that is selected)

Next go back to your layer window and with your "blur" layer selected add a layer mask. (the button that looks like a square with a circle inside it)

You will want to hide the "b/w" layer now and with the layer mask on the "blur" layer use the brush tool to add or remove any blur you like.

Once it is to your satisfaction flatten the layers and add any dodging or buring or any other tweaks you may like.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Style: Low Budget Outdoor Portrait

Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: 50mm 1.8 prime
WB: flash
F-Stop: 2.2
Shutter Speed: 1/100 sec
ISO: 200

The image above is straight off the camera with no alterations. I will show you how i went about to get this results using my on camera flash and natural light.


First off this was shot late in the day around 4pm (summer season) under a good amount of tree coverage. Shooting durring this time the sun was at a good spot to be used as a back light for the photos.

For this to work I positioned the subject a few feet away from a large tree in its shadow so the sunlight only hit behind the subject not on it.

I used my popup on camera flash as a fill light balancing the amount of light behind the subject with the amount of light the flash gave off.

Expensive Camera = Amazing Photos?

The oh so well known statement. "Having an expensive camera will get better photos." In reality yes, but only if you know how to use the camera to its full extent. Heres where that statement if wrong, just throwing money down on a high priced camera wont get any better results. Those who love "snapshot" photography and let the camera do all the work will not see much results when buying an upgrade.

Talking from experience I can say talent wasn't what made my photos decent, it was learning. After I learned then i developed my talent. This applies to anything, even if you don't see yourself as great soccer player you can still learn to kick and move the ball. Practice and motivation is what helps build talent.

Amazing photos can be made from any camera, and to tell you the truth some of my best work came out of my first digital camera. My first camera was no more than a four megapixel sony cyber-shot. That camera was the biggest help in my work today because many people jump right to entry level dSLR's but have no idea what a manual mode is for. Today the lower end of the dSLR's are still made with full Auto modes letting those who would rather just click away never see the full potential in that camera.

In short, the camera isn't what make the image. The image is made my the photographer, the camera is just your tool.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Method of Importing Photos

When working with RAW format files there are many ways to load them from your camera to your computer.

What do I do?

I use ViewNX a program that comes with Nikon digital cameras. (seeing as how i work with Nikon)

Why not use Camera Raw in photoshop?

The problem with camera raw is it only reads part of the custom settings n the camera. I like to use alot of custom setting in my photos aside from color and Camera Raw only reads a limited amount of those settings. Heres what I mean.


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Camera Raw

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Everyone has there own style but I like my images crisp and set to my taste. So i import them into ViewNX and before i bring them into photoshop i convert them into JPGs from ViewNX so all my custom settings are set and then i work on the JPG in photoshop.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

One Little Light

While having time off from my hectic photo life I have been spending time working on my technique. Now after saying that can I really call it time off? Anyways, I have gone back to my old style of lighting and worked with it a bit. You can never underestimate how many things already around your house can give you great photos.

Before i had any fancy equipment or my first DSLR there was one thing i knew would create great photos. All i had was my 4mp sony point and shoot and a wall mounted light. What did I need fancy equipment for when all i had to do was get a little creative and manipulate that one light i had to make it work. At that time I was also learning how to use the Manual setting on my camera so i was teaching my self two things at once. Although I did only have a limited amount of room for creativity, that didnt stop me from seeing what I was really capable of. I quickly started to see how shadows would fall according to the way the light hit the object and this opened up so much creativity. I started using makeup on my face to create new shadows, or move my hair to create movement in the photo. Just with that one light i opened my eyes to the endless possibilities some might not have even seen.

I always knew photography was more than taking a photo, it was having the ability to create a image as you wanted it to be seen. So as i go back to my original style I can always be confident a great shot will come out. Even with my D200 and many accomplishments there is no better feeling than going back to the way you began and having that same great feeling after. That feeling that there is still so much to learn and so many possibilities, all thanks to that one little light mounted on my wall.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Travel and Shoots Galore!

A few weeks ago I flew to LA to go on vacation for a bit but also shoot with a wonderful model, Claudia Fijal. The flightover was so beautiful and from the plane I was able to see the countryfrom the air. Is amazing as a photographer to see all the ways the land can create colors and patterns naturally. I was able to see the Grand Canyon from the air and it was stunning! I was not expecting to be so amazed but when I saw it I could not believehow beautiful it was. I had to take a photo of it!
After about five hours of flying I arrived at LAX and it was about 2pm there. After a short shuttle bus ride I arrived at my hotel and I had purposely
chosen the JW Marriott because it was right in downtown LA with great views of the
city and the LA Live complex. The hotel was stunning, and the staff where amazingly helpful being as how check in time was not until about 4pm and I was tired they had my room ready so I could get situated right away!
The view from the room was great and just what i wanted. At night when all the lights lit up the Complex it was so pretty. You would think that a room right next to the Staples Center, Nokia Theater, and Across from the Convention Center would be noisy but it wasn't at all! The hotel was quiet and comfortable, i was very pleased. It was great waking up and having a Starbucks right outside the hotel as well got a little fresh air and my coffee every morning.
The second day of my trip was more tourist oriented, a trip to Hollywood. How can you go to California and not see the Hollywood sign
? I took the train down to Hollywood and right to the walk of fame and the wax museum. It really was a dream like area everything seemed like a movie set, but thats hollywood for ya right? I love to explore so i went aimlessly walking up and down Hollywood Blv. for no real
reason what so ever other than to just enjoy the weather and the scenery change. I went to a semioutdoor shopping mall that had a nice view of the Hollywood sign and that made me very happy! I finally saw it!

I was in LA for four days and on the third day was my shoot with Claudia. I had been exploring around for the other days and I was ready to get to work! When i finally met up with Claudia she was easily noticeable from the crowd with her
bight pink bag. She had such a great personality it was easy to have some fun while working. I mean thats how we all work best, stress free! The first place we did some shooting was in my hotel room because it seemed like a good place to start and I didnt know the area well. The weather was so nice and the sunlight in the room was great for my style of photos, natural! Claudia was a perfect match as well, so the photos were casual and very laid back. The shoot was rather fast due to timing around LA traffic for Clauida's sake so we had to move on to another location. We went to the pool area that had a great wall of frosted glass with bamboo behind it. That seemed like a perfect background to use. We were not sure if we were allowed to take photos in the area so we had to act like we were just "chillin" whenever hotel staff walked by. Around 2pm we finished up and I let Claudia see the photos before she had to leave.

My trip to LA was so amazing and my time working there couldnt have been better. I know i will be back there soon!

Happy 4th Everyone!

Just a quick update to say Happy July 4th! I have been busy with alot of shoots these past few weeks and have more planned to come! I will have to tell you all the details of my awesome trip to LA when i have the time and tell you all about the amazing model i worked with there. Thats all for now! Check back soon!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Test Shoot with Gaelle

Yesterday I had a test shoot with Gaelle who was such a blast to work with. She had such a positive and cheerful personality it wasn't hard getting some great shots with her! Gaelle was so easy to work with and we were able to breeze through over 200+ shots. She was so passionate about her work that it really showed and thats what I love to see in any one I work with!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer 2010 Shooting Update

I am taking shoots for the summer of 2010 right now.

So far i am booked June 5th and While in LA June 19th. I still have slots open the first two weeks in june. Also i will be traveling to NYC the end of June so i can take shoots while im there as well.

Prices start at $60 for 10 high quality edited photos as well as all photos taken on a CD. Most shoots you will be able to view photos through out the shoot as well.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Tips: Simple Shooting Fixes

When it comes to photography alot of people think you just take a photo and there you go. Unless you are just taking snapshots that is a fine mindset--but for those who want more than just that simple photo here are a few things to help guide you.

Location: notice where you are taking the photo. Make sure there is not too much behind the subject that could distract from the subject. A common mistake is not checking if there are any strange things around the subject.
Weather: the best day to take photos outside would be on a cloudy day. Why? With the sun not as intense-- the clouds can act as a natural diffuser and make the light softer.
Light: notice the light around you. Having light right on the subject can sometimes be a bad thing. Direct light can washout a person or cause harsh shadows. Go into a shady area, this will help keep the light even. Sometimes you can use your flash to add some light as well if you feel there is not enough.